Mato Seihei no Slave Wiki

The third volume of the Mato Seihei no Slave manga.


The demon-filled dimension known as "Mato" has opened, and a type of "peach" tree that grows there yields fruit that confers special powers to those who eat it, giving humanity a fighting chance, but this only works for women. As such, as protectors of humanity, women rise in social status while men are relegated to second-class citizens scraping for basic occupation and acknowledgment. Cue Yuuki Wakura, a domestically crafty high school senior whose sister was taken during a Mato event 5 years before; while lamenting the hardships of the life ahead of him, an event opens before him, and while being rescued from demons by Captain Kyouka of the Anti-Demon Corps, she confers him powers as her "slave" and turns him into a mighty beast mount that mows down the monsters. However, there is a surprising price to pay for being her Slave... and it's not him who has to pay it.







Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 123455.15.5
Volume 2 6789101112131414.5
Volume 3 151617181920212223
Volume 4 2424.124.224.5252627282930
Volume 5 31323334353637383939.6
Volume 6 39.540414243444545.54647
Volume 7 48495051525354555656.5
Volume 8 57585960616263646565.5
Volume 9 666768697071727373.5
Volume 10 747576777879808181.5
Volume 11 828383.58485868788899090.5
Volume 12 919292.593949596979898.5
Volume 13 99100101102103104105106106.5
Volume 14 107108109110111112113114115115.5
Volume 15 116117118119120121122123124124.5
Volume 16 125126127128129130131132133133.5
Chapters not yet in Volume format 134135136137138139140141142