Mato Seihei no Slave Wiki

The (Fourth) Birth of a Slave (スレイブの誕生(4回目), Sureibu no Tanjō (4-kai-me)) is the twenty-second chapter of the Mato Seihei no Slave manga.


At the 6th Unit dorm, Tenka Izumo greets Kyouka Uzen, Yuuki Wakura, and Himari Azuma who have arrived for a visit. Tenka takes special notice of Yuuki. While Kyouka and Tenka have a meeting, Himari is instructed to get to know the other 6th Unit members better.

As Himari and Yuuki roam the corridors, Yuuki looks around, taking note of how tidy the place is. Uninterested, Himari goes on ahead while Yuuki examines a stain on the wall. Yuuki then wanders off on his own and discovers a room full of pictures of Himari at different stages of her life. Disturbed, Yuuki runs off, realizing it must be Yachiho Azuma's room. He then happens upon Sahara Wakasa who is sleeping in her underwear. Though embarrassed, Yuuki tries to cover her up with a blanket, but Sahara unconsciously grabs him and presses him against her body. Yuuki tries to get away, but she continuously locks him into place, putting him in compromising positions. Eventually, Yuuki realizes he cannot escape and stops thinking.

Later, after Sahara has awoken, she apologizes to Yuuki as the two walk down the hallway. The two then encounter Himari who is waiting outside a room to talk with Yachiho. Yuuki looks inside and finds Yachiho in the middle of a fierce exercise regime. Himari asks Sahara if she always trains like that and Sahara confirms that she does. After Sahara asks Himari if she respects her sister, Himari replies that, although Yachiho does not have the best personality, she is always pushing herself physically and mentally, and thus Himari aspires to learn from her. Pleased, Sahara comments that she likes the theory that a person's Peach ability is tied to their nature. She suggests that Himari's ability came from her own desire to learn to learn from Yachiho, while Yachiho's ability came from her desire to spend more time with Himari. However, Himari vehemently denies this suggestion. Once Yachiho has finished her workout, Himari peaceably hands her a towel. Yachiho smiles and snatches it from her, leading to a frivolous quarrel. Yuuki and Sahara are pleased at the sight of the two sisters together. Sahara wonders if they should show Himari Yachiho's room, but Yuuki thinks it would be better if they didn't.

Meanwhile, Kyouka and Tenka discuss their strategies for dealing with Shuuki and Humanoid Shuuki. Afterwards, Tenka makes the bold request to have Kyouka's "slave".

Characters by Appearance[]


Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 123455.15.5
Volume 2 6789101112131414.5
Volume 3 151617181920212223
Volume 4 2424.124.224.5252627282930
Volume 5 31323334353637383939.6
Volume 6 39.540414243444545.54647
Volume 7 48495051525354555656.5
Volume 8 57585960616263646565.5
Volume 9 666768697071727373.5
Volume 10 747576777879808181.5
Volume 11 828383.58485868788899090.5
Volume 12 919292.593949596979898.5
Volume 13 99100101102103104105106106.5
Volume 14 107108109110111112113114115115.5
Volume 15 116117118119120121122123124124.5
Volume 16 125126127128129130131132133133.5
Chapters not yet in Volume format 134135136137138139140141142
Chapters and Story Arcs
Birth of a Slave Arc 12345678
Mato Exhibition Games Arc 9101112131415161718192021
Tenka's Desire Arc 222324
7th Unit Training Arc 2526
Hidden Village Arc 272829303132333435363738394041424344
Chiefs' Assembly Arc 4545.5464748495051
5th Unit Training Arc 525354
10th Unit Training Arc 555657
Azuma Banquet Arc 58596061626364656667
Battle in Yokohama Arc 6869707172737475767778798081828384
Devotees Arc 858687888990919293949596979899100101102
3rd Unit Training Arc 103104105106
Shangri-La Arc 107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126