Mato Seihei no Slave Wiki

Commander of the 7th Squad (七番組組長, Nana Bangumi Kumichō) is the nineteenth chapter of the Mato Seihei no Slave manga.


Inside the 7th Unit dorm, Ginna Bizen is upset that she must stay inside while Kyouka Uzen and Tenka Izumo are fighting the invaders. Nei Ookawamura offers Ginna to touch her, which will allow her to see the battle outside via Nei's Promise ability, and Ginna ecstatically accepts. She sees that Kyouka, riding atop Yuuki Wakura along with Himari Azuma is tearing through the invading Shuuki with ease.

Ginna explains that Shuuki can only be destroyed via Peach blessings obtained from Mato. However, the one exception to this is Kyouka who developed her own fighting style capable of destroying the Shuuki. Ginna is overjoyed at being able to see Kyouka in action. Ginna is also impressed by Yuuki's power in his Slave form.

Kyouka, Himari, and Yuuki rush over to Shushu Suruga to aid her and Shushu is surprised to see both of them riding on Yuuki. She realizes that this means both Kyouka and Himari will have to reward Yuuki at the same time. Enraged by the thought, Shushu furiously attacks the Shuuki, declaring that she won't lose.

Meanwhile, Yachiho Azuma battles Rairen, continuously dodging his lightning, but it is apparent to her that he is much stronger than the Shuuki. Noticing Yachiho's "poses", Rairen launches a massive fireball from his mouth, incinerating her arm. However, Yachiho is able to strike a pose with just her legs and rewinds time by five seconds, allowing her to dodge the fireball. Yachiho falls to the ground, totally exhausted, and Rairen stands before her, ready to finish her off.

However, Tenka suddenly appears and tells Yachiho to rest as she will take over. Rairen is perplexed by her sudden appearance, but points out he has an army of Shuuki that will not allow Yachiho to escape. Tenka, however, points out that that she has already obliterated his army, leaving just the two of them. She also informs him she is aware there are two other very strong individuals nearby and she will take care of him first. Rairen is delighted, believing he will be able to enjoy the battle.

Characters by Appearance[]


Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 123455.15.5
Volume 2 6789101112131414.5
Volume 3 151617181920212223
Volume 4 2424.124.224.5252627282930
Volume 5 31323334353637383939.6
Volume 6 39.540414243444545.54647
Volume 7 48495051525354555656.5
Volume 8 57585960616263646565.5
Volume 9 666768697071727373.5
Volume 10 747576777879808181.5
Volume 11 828383.58485868788899090.5
Volume 12 919292.593949596979898.5
Volume 13 99100101102103104105106106.5
Volume 14 107108109110111112113114115115.5
Volume 15 116117118119120121122123124124.5
Volume 16 125126127128129130131132133133.5
Chapters not yet in Volume format 134135136137138139140141142
Chapters and Story Arcs
Birth of a Slave Arc 12345678
Mato Exhibition Games Arc 9101112131415161718192021
Tenka's Desire Arc 222324
7th Unit Training Arc 2526
Hidden Village Arc 272829303132333435363738394041424344
Chiefs' Assembly Arc 4545.5464748495051
5th Unit Training Arc 525354
10th Unit Training Arc 555657
Azuma Banquet Arc 58596061626364656667
Battle in Yokohama Arc 6869707172737475767778798081828384
Devotees Arc 858687888990919293949596979899100101102
3rd Unit Training Arc 103104105106
Shangri-La Arc 107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126