Mato Seihei no Slave Wiki
Mato Seihei no Slave Wiki

Fukuma, The Observer (観察者伏摩, Kansatsusha Fukuma) is the one-hundred-and-thirteenth chapter of the Mato Seihei no Slave manga.


Inside Shangri-La, Varvara Pilipenko swims in a pool as Fukuma (disguised as Bell Tsukiyono) observes, noting that Varvara seems to enjoy acting alone. Varvara is then joined by Kyouka Uzen who asks to train with her and a somewhat flustered Varvara agrees. Kyouka compliments Varvara on the flexibility of her body, which the latter attributes to the training regimen she has used since working in the same Unit as Kyouka. Kyouka enthusiastically proclaims that this will be a great opportunity for them to grow closer as neighboring Units and the elated Varvara becomes light-headed. Kyouka leaves Varvara alone to rest.

Varvara is then joined by Yuuki Wakura who asks if he can get her a drink, but Varvara continues to give him the could shoulder. Yuuki says he will go train with Kyouka, but Varvara remarks that Kyouka's rewards for Yuuki must amount to little more than an owner getting in a bath with their dog. Varvara then tells him not to cling to Kyouka too much, which Yuuki hesitantly agrees to. Varvara bemoans that she continues to complain in Yuuki's presence, even though he is vital for Kyouka's success in becoming commander, and she recommends Yuuki not bother talking to her. However, Yuuki counters that he isn't bothered by Varvara and is proud that Kyouka has someone who adores her so much, which in turn pleases Varvara.

Meanwhile, Fukuma considers that, since Shangri-La is small, it would be best to attack someone at night so that others won't get in her way. She decides to gather more information on the others to plan her attack on all of them.

Sometime later, Himari Azuma and Shushu Suruga engage in sparring match with Prachi Sherawat and Jenna Staples at Kyouka's instruction. Prachi activates her Urumi peach blessing, allowing her to summon a powerful urumi weapon, which she lashes at Himari, who responds by using her Learning ability to utilize Python and evade Prachi's attacks. Prachi is amazed at Himari's progress as a fighter, while Himari observes that Prachi's ability is simple but powerful, like her mother's. At the same time, Shushu uses her Paradigm Shift to grow to gigantic size, while Jenna activates her Hero ability, donning a warrior's garb with a sword and shield. Shushu throws an enormous punch at her, but Jenna blocks it with her shield.

As Kyouka, Yuuki, and "Bell" observe the match, "Bell" inquires about Varvara's peach ability, but Kyouka replies that she doesn't know much either, saying only that she can create a space that gives her the upper hand. Kyouka says they will ask Varvara about her ability and think about how to make Bell's ability work with hers when they train later.

Narration explains that, while Fukuma can impersonate others, she cannot replicate abilities given via peach blessings and, thus, purposefully delayed her training so she could work out a plan of attack without giving away her deception.

Later, as Fukuma walks through the corridors of the dorm, she considers that, despite Varvara's ability being largely unknown, it may be best to attack her first, though Kyouka still presents a problem. Coincidentally, she happens by Kyouka who is preparing to bath and asks her if she can wash her back, which Kyouka happily agrees to. As they bathe and wash each other's backs, Fukuma observes that, although Kyouka seems vulnerable, she can see no openings to strike and wonders if it would be better to attack while she sleeps.

That night, "Bell" sleeps with Kyouka on the pretense that she wants her to listen to her worries. Fukuma considers attacking, but Kyouka speaks, revealing she is still awake, and "Bell" excuses herself to get a drink of water.

In the kitchen, Fukuma decides to forgo targeting Kyouka and instead plans to attack Yuuki to weaken her, along with Varvara. She then plans to attack Nei Ookawamura whose Promise ability makes her her natural nemesis. Nei then unexpectedly enters the kitchen and greets "Bell" amiably, and "Bell" greets her back while staring at her ominously.

Characters by Appearance[]


Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 123455.15.5
Volume 2 6789101112131414.5
Volume 3 151617181920212223
Volume 4 2424.124.224.5252627282930
Volume 5 31323334353637383939.6
Volume 6 39.540414243444545.54647
Volume 7 48495051525354555656.5
Volume 8 57585960616263646565.5
Volume 9 666768697071727373.5
Volume 10 747576777879808181.5
Volume 11 828383.58485868788899090.5
Volume 12 919292.593949596979898.5
Volume 13 99100101102103104105106106.5
Volume 14 107108109110111112113114115115.5
Volume 15 116117118119120121122123124124.5
Volume 16 125126127128129130131132133133.5
Chapters not yet in Volume format 134135136137138139140141142
Chapters and Story Arcs
Birth of a Slave Arc 12345678
Mato Exhibition Games Arc 9101112131415161718192021
Tenka's Desire Arc 222324
7th Unit Training Arc 2526
Hidden Village Arc 272829303132333435363738394041424344
Chiefs' Assembly Arc 4545.5464748495051
5th Unit Training Arc 525354
10th Unit Training Arc 555657
Azuma Banquet Arc 58596061626364656667
Battle in Yokohama Arc 6869707172737475767778798081828384
Devotees Arc 858687888990919293949596979899100101102
3rd Unit Training Arc 103104105106
Shangri-La Arc 107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126